Fancy Being A Mumu/DuhDuh/BiggyWista/Broder/Uppie?

This is what a Mumu would look like-


This is what a DuhDuh would look like [i didnt make this one up]-
Okay he might not look like this but again, be creative!

This is what a Biggy Wista would look like-

Note-Do not wear black, Pookies will think your nasty.

Okay, I could'nt find one of a Broder but you can either be a boy pookie or a normal CP boy;]

Finally the Uppie-
Uppies Can Wear Basically anything but make sure you have the snout thingy!

Okay So the next post is going to show what your igloo should look like if you want to be a mumu!
Good Luck With The Outfits!

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